Happy New Year all. I was afraid that I wouldn't even be able to remember how to log into my blog, but alas, it came back to me. The last time I blogged (is that even the correct term?) was in July of 2011. That's pretty bad. Especially when it is something I enjoy. I have all kinds of excuses, but none of them can explain six months of absence.
In order to change that, I am making a resolution (and it's one I think I can keep). I am going to blog once a week. Good lord, even putting that in writing scares me. Okay, maybe I should say that I am going to blog once every two weeks, or even once a month, just to give myself a safety net. Nah, I can blog once a week. There's enough that has happened in my life since July to keep me posting all year. I even went on a couple of dates.
I can't say I'm going to pick up where I left off. Can't even remember the second summer adventure. What I do remember was my third adventure, the big trip to New York. That will definitely be a blog topic; heck maybe even more than one...
So stay tuned folks, more blogs to come.